Underground medium and low voltage cables and aerial medium voltage cable

Name: Underground medium and low voltage cables and aerial medium voltage cable
Company: Hengtong Optic-Electric co., LTD
Production unit: Hengtong avenue 88, Oidu, 215200, Suzhou City (China)
Reference Year:
Type: Cables and wires
Category: electronic and electrical products

This EPD refers to the Underground medium and low voltage cables: Cu/HEPR/CWS/PO 12/20 (24)kV 1x630mm2, Al/XLPE/AL-PET/PE 12/20 (24)kV 3x1x185mm2, Al/XLPE/PO 0,6-1kV 3x150mm2 + 1x95mm2 and the aerial medium voltage cable: Al/XLPE/AL-PET/PE+20SA 12/20 (24)kV 3x1x50+50Y mm2, manufactured by Hengtong Optic-Electric co., LTD in its production site located in Hengtong avenue 88, Oidu, 215200, Suzhou City (China)

Reg. No.: EPDITALY0619
Issue date: 17/04/2024
Update date: 17/04/2024
Expiry date: 17/04/2029
CPC Code: 463

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